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Amazon store expansion, vending machine pressure increases

Jan 19, 2019

According to the Seattle times reported that amazon has been released for Chicago and San Francisco for opening new stores the recruitment information of store managers.
And Amazon's one of the representative is also confirmed that the company is planning to these two cities to prepare an Amazon Go no convenience store, but there is no sure the release of the correct time and date, but the pressure of the self-help vending machine has been increased.
The news for those who have been paying close attention to the state of the amazon, in fact is not surprising.
In February this year, Curbed reported that amazon bought a retail store in Chicago. In a few days ago, the San Francisco chronicle reported that amazon is near union square in San Francisco on the retail stores.
In January this year, Amazon also near its headquarters in Seattle laid the first Amazon Go no convenience store. Recode the scoop mentioned earlier, amazon will be opening six stores in 2018, one of which may be opened in Los Angeles, self-service selling the factory's information.
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